Zach Land

Zach Land
Research Assistant
zachjland ‘at’ (replace ‘at’ with @)

B.S. in Psychology, University of Oregon, 2011.
B.S. in Sociology, University of Oregon, 2011.

Zach recently graduated with B.S. in sociology and psychology. He is primarily interested in power dynamics and influence tactics in groups, specifically interactions between American Military personnel and Iraqi and Afghan civilians. Synthesizing existing literature on power and influence from multiple populations is the basis of investigation. Additional interests include obedience, conformity, leadership, corporate-political power structures, sex work, cults, Psi Chi, Shakespearean literature, web design, and computer repair.

Rank Matters: Tactics U.S. Military Personnel Use to Influence Civilians: One hundred twenty-six U.S. military personnel (68 enlisted, 58 officers) completed an online survey about the influence tactics they used with Iraqi and Afghani civilians (Wolfe, 2011). Clusters of influence tactics that were associated with successful influence attempts (softer tactics) were used more commonly than those associated with less successful attempts (harder tactics). The tendency to choose successful over unsuccessful tactics was stronger for officers than for enlisted personnel. Download the Poster here!


Zach worked as a Peer Advisor at the University of Oregon Psychology Peer Advising Office

Personal Links

University of Oregon Psychology Peer Advising Office

University of Oregon Psi Chi

The Social Cognition Lab – Alumnus Research Assistant

Joint Project on the German Asylum System at the Berkeley Multicultural German Project.