Yasuhiro Tanaka
Lab Coordinator
Webmaster and Research Assistant
ytanaka2 ‘at’ uoregon.edu (replace ‘at’ with @)
Curriculum Vitae
B.S. in Psychology, University of Oregon Fall 2011
Yasuhiro Tanaka received his bachelor’s degree in Psychology in Fall of 2011. He has broad interest in the field including social, developmental, and cognitive psychology. Currently, he is assisting number of different projects through out several labs. Topics include psychology of war, language acquisition, decision making, and imagination. He is also starting his own research looking at sports motion and how people with various levels of expertise segment action differently. Prior to attending the University of Oregon, he taught English in Japan for several years. He hopes to pursue Psychology at the graduate level starting Fall of 2012. His other interests include The Beatles, microbreweries, art museums, aquariums, scuba diving, golf, cinema, and cooking.