Seajoong Oh

Seajoong Oh
Research Assistant
saejoong ‘at’ (replace ‘at’ with @)

M.A. in Communication, SoGang University (Korea)
B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communications, SungKyunKwan University (Korea)
B.A. in Education Classical Chinese, SungKyunKwan University (Korea)

Saejoong is a post-baccalaureate student primarily interested in mind of crowd as a sociocultural phenomenon and in how religious belief affects people’s minds and morality.  He is interested in interaction between group thinking and behaviors in specific situations such as sports fandom. Additional academic interests include various sociocultural issues viewed through the lens of evolution (cultural evolution), cultural differences in religious group identification, and relationships between decision making and cultural attitudes (consumer behavior). Other interests include soccer, swimming, all kinds of sports, poetry, and foreign culture.