Erica L. Buczek-Tanaka
Masters Student – Psychology of War Lab
ericavonnegut ‘at’ gmail,com (replace ‘at’ with @)
Curriculum Vitae
B.S. in Psychology, Missouri Western State University
Erica is a Master’s student currently examining perceptions of heroism. Specifically, she is interested in the necessary components for an act to be considered heroic and cross cultural differences in the concept of heroism. Additional academic interests include the evolution of heroism, group development, intergroup conflict, evolutionary altruism, and scientific examination of religion. Prior to entering the graduate program Erica worked as a research assistant and lab coordinator for the Groups and War Lab, as well as on early stages of the heroism project. Past projects at MWSU include attempts to quantify Worchel’s theory of group development and an examination of how Buddhists cope with stress.